Lit Gal's GEN Stories

Stories of Friendship and Adventure

All the stories listed in this page are gen (just friendships). Nothing here is rated above "Teen" meaning you may find violence or difficult situations (and even some bad language when the characters are truly cranky) but no sexually explicit scenes. So browse away absolutely squick free.


By the way, if you go off the list and look at my main website or journal, you will find slash and femslash, so don't go there if you aren't interested.
The Sentinel
You may have never heard of this series, but I love it. Blair is the enthusiastic scientist who has found his life's dream... a Sentinel (someone with hightened senses). Jim is the ex-Ranger Sentinel who's not so thrilled at his life feeling so out of control.

Survival. After leaving Jim in an attempt to find his own path, a serial killer brings Jim back into his life.

Five Reasons Jim Ellison has to Feel Guilty. Jim thinks back on his life and his mistakes.

The Things you Do. Early in the relationship, Blair has to prove that he isn't going to back down.

Good Cop, Bad Cop. After joining the force, can Blair play good cop, bad cop well enough to save a child?

Silent Promise. As Simon watches the guys, he considers just how close their relationship has become.

Tripping. In the show, Blair dies and Jim brings him back to life using their spirit animals. When Blair wants to talk about it, Jim says he's not ready to make that trip. Here, Blair faces the spiritual side of the Sentinel/Shaman connection alone because Jim isn't tripping with him.

Rituals and Roles. Blair is going to purchase his firearm after graduation from the academy, but with Blair, nothing is that simple

Shadows of the Past. LONG! The entries are in reverse order, so scroll to the bottom of the page to find the first chapter. Nine years ago, one of Jim's missions went bad when his team ran into a unit run by an agent named Michael. The unit barely survived. Now, Jim comes home to find that Michael and the organization he represents is interested in both him and Blair.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I do love the geeky boys, so expect lots of Xander, and expect Xander to save the day.

Fathers. Angel gets stuck with an unwanted helper while the girls are off celebrating Father's Day

Unfortunately Right. Xander may not be right very often, but this time, everything depends on it.

Necessary Evil. In a fantasy world, Buffy is (once again) pulled out of heaven.

Magical Cage. LONG. The entries are in reverse order, so scroll to the bottom of the page to find the first chapter. Jack hates it when a mission goes wrong, and when a wormhole interacts with an interdimensional portal, things go very, very wrong.


Harry Potter
I try to keep to canon characterization and play with "what ifs" but I'll be honest... I'm partial to Severus Snape. Potion master geek for the win (although I'm willing to admit he's a monumental jerk).

Take Two: a rewrite of the series based on the idea that Harry got more information about the magical world up front. That has led him to accept his Slytherin side and Dark magic (but never evil).

Harry Potter and the Philosoper's Butterfly

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce

Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Circumstance (coming soon)

Harry Potter and the Price of Victory: Severus casts a spell hoping to escape both the Dark faction and Dumbledore's manipulations, but in opening himself to the Fae, he finds himself helpless against their demand that he raise five-year-old Harry and other Fae-chosen children to correct the wrongs of the Wizarding World.

I love Jayne with his tough exterior and quiet desire to be better and I adore River with her hidden wisdom under all that nutsiness. And I love Zoe's strength and the relationship between her and Wash... Oh heck, I love everything.

Mens Rea. On a supply run, Jayne's less than savory past comes back to haunt him.


Stargate SG-1
I love the classic team, back when the Goa'uld were the bad guys and it's the Jack and Daniel show with the boys randomly sniping at each other. I love Daniel's sense of morality and Jack's brutal realism.

Magical Cage. LONG. The entries are in reverse order, so scroll to the bottom of the page to find the first chapter. Jack hates it when a mission goes wrong, and when a wormhole interacts with an interdimensional portal, things go very, very wrong.



I'm feeling adventurous, so take me to the main site with slash, femslash, and het stories. ADULTS ONLY!


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