Xander had expected to last about fifteen minutes. Five hours later, he found himself still navigating the crowd with his tray full of both empty bowls needing refilling and full bowls he was trying to get over to the far food stations. Currently, three middle-aged men with nice suits and strong breath prevented him from making any progress. Xander just knew that Carlos hovered near, but he intentionally avoided eye contact. After five hours at the job, Xander knew good tippers when he saw them.
“I haven’t seen you before,” the tallest man commented from behind, slipping an arm around Xander’s waist. Normally Xander would have felt compelled to push the stranger off, but he had discovered that the tray made that impossible. After sending a nearly full tray of pizza bread to the floor, he had discovered that his only two escape moves were twisting his body and making eye contact with Carlos. Luckily, the subsequent scramble on all fours to recover the ruined food before anyone fell on it led to a number of interesting gropes and so many tips that Xander had to go to the restroom, fish the money out of his pants, and have Carlos hang on to it for him. This time Xander twisted. As he moved, tall guy’s hand went from Xander’s bare stomach, where it had found its way under his shirt, to Xander’s bare hip by sliding into the already too tight jeans. The man’s hand wedged in prevented Xander from twisting to the right, so he tried to twist back to the left when suit number two moved in. This one reminded Xander of Screech from “Saved by the Bell,” but his voice sounded lawyer-smooth, even drunk.
“I would have remembered you,” he confided in a stage whisper loud enough for his friends to hear. Screech-clone then grabbed Xander’s waist band and pulled Xander into his own body, tall guy still attached at the hip. Xander might have made eye contact with Carlos, only he felt the paper slide in with the man’s fingers. For the first time in months, Xander realized that he was going to have enough money that his mother wouldn’t have to take any overtime shifts to pay for the rent. He just smiled and held the tray to one side.
“First night here,” he agreed as suit number three moved in on the only open side. The man reached his hand up and put his palm on Xander’s cheek in the most intimate gesture Xander had ever shared with a man. Pulling Xander’s face toward his, suit #3 leaned in and kissed Xander—not a tender kiss, but a commanding kiss. His tongue reached out and slipped under Xander’s upper lip, pulling it out far enough for the man’s teeth to close over it firmly enough to earn a gasp from Xander. At the open invitation, the man’s tongue quickly moved into Xander’s mouth and suit #3’s hand slipped behind Xander’s head to keep him immobile as the suit explored Xander’s mouth even as Xander’s body remained trapped between the two friends. After a couple of minutes, the man pulled back and held up a twenty dollar bill.
“Very nice,” he commented as he slipped the bill in the front of Xander’s jeans so far down that the paper brushed the top of Xander’s cock. Xander looked up to see Carlos obviously perched to descend on the trio, but Xander intentionally broke eye contact, giving Carlos no reason to interfere. When suit #3 had deposited his money, he left his hand beneath Xander’s jeans, his splayed fingers stretching across Xander lower stomach scant centimeters from Xander’s now painfully enlarged cock. This gave Screech-clone a chance to let go of Xander’s jeans without risking Xander’s escape.
“My turn,” he announced as he placed his hands on either side of Xander’s face and pulled Xander’s head to his own. This time Xander knew what to expect, and he opened his mouth before the lip bite could be repeated. “Eager,” Screech-clone approvingly mumbled before covering Xander’s lips with his own. This time Xander felt the suction almost immediately, and the invading tongue worked at prying his own tongue out of Xander’s mouth and into Screech-clone’s. Xander complied and used his tongue to explore the other’s mouth, to find the unfamiliar tastes. Where normally Xander tasted gum and lemonade and sweetness in the kiss of a girl, this kiss tasted of alcohol and lust and a faint trace of cigarette.
Before Xander could finish cataloguing the differences, the man’s teeth closed even as the suction continued. Xander tried to withdraw his head, but a hand latched on to the back of his head and pulled him forward. He tried to pull back his tongue, but the teeth tightened and Xander froze. He supposed he could drop the tray, but he didn’t want to have to scramble for far messier potato skins with the dance floor this crowded. As soon as Xander froze, the man’s teeth eased up, and Xander felt the other man’s tongue stroking along the underside of his tongue in rhythm with a stroking that now began on his left nipple.
Xander relaxed, but then a nail raked his nipple, and he groaned as his body sent so much blood to his cock that it closed the distance between it and suit #3’s fingertips. When Xander felt the head of his cock nudge the warm finger, he groaned into the mouth that still held his tongue captive and still stroked it. “Nice hardly seems adequate,” Screech clone commented as he finally released Xander’s mouth. Suit #3 reluctantly withdrew his hand, and Screech-clone held up his twenty dollars. Xander held still as the hand with the money disappeared down the front of Xander’s jeans. This time, the hand didn’t stop until it had pushed the money between Xander’s cock and his lower stomach, allowing Screech-clone to run his finger down half the length of Xander Jr., who twitched approvingly.
With a glance over his shoulder toward the black-vested bouncer, Screech-clone pulled his hand out until he once again had a firm hold on the front of Xander’s waist band. Suit #3 now closed his own fist around the left side of Xander’s waistband, leaving him unable to move at all, especially since he still held his tray between the two men.
Xander now turned his attention to tall guy who had kept his hand inserted beneath Xander’s jeans and on Xander’s right hip the entire time. Obviously the other two weren’t going to let go until the third got his kiss. Xander watched the dark-haired man over his shoulder, waiting to see how he would react. After several seconds of no one moving, Xander began to squirm, but he really couldn’t move much with all three men holding him. “Uh, food getting cold here,” Xander finally pointed out as he raised the tray slightly.
“Let’s take this somewhere private,” tall man suggested and nodded at the other two. All three of them began maneuvering Xander toward one of the semi-private tables shielded by a half-wall planter. Xander felt himself being bodily pushed, and he planted both feet as firmly as possible.
“No!” he commanded as he looked around for Carlos. Before he could make eye contact, tall man pulled his head back around with a palm on his cheek.
“I promise to make you cry with pleasure,” he purred.
“And I said no. Either let me go right now, or you’re going to find yourself tossed out on your ass.” Xander insisted with more vehemence than he really felt. Of course, it didn't help that Xander Jr. kept insisting that this was exactly what he wanted.
“Playing cock-tease?” Screech-clone asked with a sneer.
“You started the game, you did the teasing. I’m just running food. Let me go now,” Xander hotly returned even though he couldn't turn to face Screech-clone with the tall man's hands holding his head captive. He was surprised when the men instantly complied, but when he turned, he saw that Carlos had obviously spotted the problem because he had moved up to stand directly behind Xander. His narrowed eyes and clenched fists convinced the three suits far more than Xander’s words. Unfortunately, Carlos’ rock hard body also made a perfect target for the tray as Xander swung around. When his tray met the side of Carlos’ body, the bowls of potato skins slid wildly and then careened off the edge of the tray onto the bouncer’s black and white pants and then onto the wood floor.
“Shit,” Xander cursed as he instantly dropped to his knees and started grabbing bowls and now cold potato skins off the floor. Carlos stood stunned for a moment, but when the three suits hurriedly backed away, he looked down and assessed the damage.
“Are you sure you’re not doing this for tips?” Carlos asked as he checked out his grease stained pants and the men who now eyed Xander as he knelt on the floor scrambling to grab the scattered food.
“Hardee-har-har. Go on, get changed. They aren’t going to give me any more grief,” Xander told Carlos as he spotted the three suits disappearing into the dancing men on the floor. Carlos turned and nodded to one of the other bouncers to take up Xander watching before he left the floor. Xander sighed. Why did everyone think he needed a body guard?
“You look good on your knees, luv,” came a British voice, and Xander looked up into stunning blue eyes within a beautiful angular face that made Xander want to reach up and touch it. Of course, since his hands were covered in potato goo, that might not be the best move.
“Don't expect to ever see the sight again,” he dryly snarked back instead. That earned him a short barking laugh. However the laugh disappeared immediately as another customer came up behind Xander to join in the fun.
Xander figured he was about to endure another round of grab the new guy’s ass, but the British man stepped forward so that his boots were inches from Xander face and snapped, “Back off, git. Go find your own.” To Xander’s amazement, the other man practically stumbled as he backed away with his hands held up in a mock surrender. Xander leaned back on his knees and looked up at blue eyes in confusion. The man didn’t look particularly threatening: the long, black leather duster and bleached hair and black fingernails certainly suggested a certain willingness to break the rules, but the man’s build was almost painfully thin, and his fingers were long and delicate—hardly the sort to send another man running in fear.
Xander was still trying to figure out why this man seemed so different when Mr. Blue Eyes crouched down on the balls of his feet, practically bouncing with energy. With a movement too quick to follow, he snatched the tray from Xander’s finders and grandly waved with his free hand. “Go on, grab it up ‘fore the great unwashed here fall on their arses.” Xander hurried to do just that, dropping the ruined and mashed treats into bowls and depositing those on the tray Blue Eyes held for him. Every time Xander turned to chase another bit of food, he expected the grope and the dirty dollar bill finding its way into his jeans; however, blue eyes just hunched down, still bouncing on the balls of his feet, with an almost predatory smile on his face.
Xander dropped the last of the bowls on the tray and pulled the small towel out to wipe his hands before dropping it back on the tray. When he then reached out to take the tray from the blue eyed man, the man whipped the tray behind his back with a smirk.
"What are ya prepared to pay for this, mate? After all, I don't do kind acts—expect to be paid for my services," the blonde leered. Xander groaned at the same time that Xander Jr. twitched and grew. The blonde's eyes widened, almost as if he knew, but Xander refused to be intimidated. He had faced off against vampires and monsters, he wasn't going to back down to a Goth reject bar fly.
"Since the tray is mine, I don't expect to pay anything," Xander said, straightening up and standing over the still crouching stranger. When Blue Eyes also stood up, Xander sighed in relief when he saw that the lanky stranger stood a good inch shorter than him. At least he wouldn't have to ask the bouncer for a rescue…this time. "In fact," he continued as Blue Eyes ran his gaze up and down Xander's body. "In Fact," he repeated louder when it became clear that Blue Eyes wasn't listening. This time, those stunning blue eyes settled on his face with the eyebrows raised in a look of both curiosity and amusement. "You cost me quite a few tips scaring off the customers like that," Xander pointed out with a head nod toward the crowd behind him.
"So, you do the whole crawlin' thing for money, do ya?" Blue Eyes asked with the corners of his mouth twitching into an even wider smile.
"It's not like….I just dropped the ….You’re twisting my words, and it doesn't change the fact that you're still scaring off the tipping customers AND keeping me from doing my job." Xander felt a moment of pride that he had managed to recover from the moment of babble. Of course, with those brilliant blue eyes staring at him as if they could see right through him, babbling in some form was inevitable. Xander Jr. valiantly tried to break through the denim of his jeans, and Xander watched as Blue Eyes' nose widened in an almost feral sniff. Damn, the man could even inhale sexy.
"Not stopping anything," Blue Eyes insisted. "You pay up and I'll be on my way, mate." Blue Eyes slowly winked at Xander who stood there silently trembling.
"I don't…If you don't leave, I'll get the bouncer. One look to him, and you'll find yourself thrown right out of here 'cause T doesn't take any shit from the customers. And this whole refusing to give me the tray shit, that is definitively giving me shit, and he won't take that," Xander gasped in one breath as Blue Eyes walked toward him. Xander unconsciously backed up until he found himself backed up against one of the half walls with his back toward the caged runway.
"What bouncer?" Blue Eyes inquired quietly. Xander looked around in a panic and realized that the black-vested guardian had disappeared, leaving Xander backed against the wall with Blue Eyes a matter of inches away from him, the tray still held behind his back. Without a word, blue eyes set the tray down precariously on the half wall, the edge of the planter making it tilt dangerously.
"So, payment now," Blue Eyes demanded in his English accent as he slowly put a hand on either side of Xander, resting them on the half wall and leaning in toward Xander who had suddenly frozen. Xander felt his stomach tingle in a way that it never did with Charlie or even Gunn. He could feel his balls draw up in preparation, and he drew a deep breath, trying to calm himself before he embarrassed himself in front of the whole club, or at least the two or three men actually paying attention to their little drama.
"What payment?" Xander squeaked in an attempt to maintain his manly dignity. Okay, the squeaking part probably ruined the whole dignity thing, but he still wasn't going to play along. At least, he didn't plan to until he felt the hand descend on his arm. The long fingers grasped his arm much more tightly than he had expected, and he could feel the fingers through the cool silk.
"Red, my favorite color," Blue Eyes whispered as he moved in toward Xander, leaning his body against Xander's slightly larger frame. His second hand moved in toward Xander's neck, slipping in under the silk, and caressing the junction of his neck and shoulder. When cool, slim fingers pressed into the skin of Xander's scar, Xander felt his whole body shudder in pleasure. "Oh yeah, knew I was right about you," Blue Eyes whispered as he lowered his mouth to Xander's and aggressively invaded with a strong tongue that tasted of whiskey and metal and cigarettes.
Xander felt himself moan into the mouth as he lost all control of his body. Blue Eyes ravished his mouth, caressed his scar, and slowly leaned his hip into Xander's erection. He could take no more, and he gave a small scream and came for the second time that night. Hoping that the rest of the crowd hadn't noticed since his scream had been muffled by Blue Eyes' mouth over his, he stood there with his eyes closed, semen soaking into his jeans, and Blue Eyes' hand still on his arm, holding him motionless with the single gesture. Xander's legs trembled and struggled to hold up his weight, but eventually Xander opened his eyes and found Blue Eyes still grinning. "You tell Cassidy that Spike did that do you," Blue Eyes commanded as he ran a finger down the now damp crotch of the jeans.
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