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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Butterfly Philosophers argue that if a butterfly flaps its wings, the cumulative effect of small changes can cause a hurricane on the opposite side of the globe. Harry creates one small change. He’s embarrassed that a shop keeper wants Hagrid to move out of the way, so he decides to distract the man by asking for a book. Fate keeps trying to pull the world back toward its initial path, but as the changes start to accumulate, this world will be forever changed. Maybe Draco is a prat, but what will happen when he has a friend who will call him out on that? Lucius might be a Death Eater, but can he hate a young man he will come to know as his son’s friend? In fact, Harry’s one choice might upend years of manipulation and plotting and leave Dumbledore wondering what happened to his glorious plan to rid the world of Voldemort |
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce Harry survived his first year as a Slytherin and has close friends and equally close enemies. His new house taught him to avoid the manipulations of others, so he avoided getting caught in the crossfire between Dumbledore and Voldemort, but as a result, Voldemort claimed the Philosopher’s stone and has disappeared. Severus is increasingly concerned that Voldemort is not the only danger to a boy he vowed to protect—a boy he is starting to care for more than he anticipated. Harry is nothing like his cursed father. However, as Harry strays farther and farther from the path Dumbledore set in front of him, Severus will need to make choices about which of his masters he must betray, and which he must follow if he wants to save the boy. |
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Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Circumstance Second year has ended and Harry is starting to see all the reasons for distancing himself from the headmaster. After all, what could a Slytherin like Harry expect from someone with so many prejudices against the Dark and all of Slytherin House. However, he has his own allies and a growing understanding of the magical world that gives him the confidence to start moving away from the path that has been chosen for him. What he does not know is that Voldemort has returned and reclaimed most of his soul. That means that Voldemort is more cunning and dangerous than ever, but he is moving carefully to avoid revealing his plans to either Dumbledore or the Boy-Who-Lived. One this is sure... third year is going to be different than anything Harry could have expected. The escape of a distant Black cousin out to kill him isn't even on his list of top ten problems to worry about. |
A Pair of Assholes Series When Peter finds the pack is not meeting his needs, he decides to take action. He needs to make sure he forms a pack bond with the one member who is unlikely to realize how much Peter needs him. Peter and Stiles are living in Virginia and trying to make a life without their old pack and without killing each other. Stiles get unhappy news about the extended Argent family. Stiles doesn't pretend to be a nice person, so if he is under threat, he has no problem going nuclear on some Argent idiots who thought he was the harmless human. The threats start to circle as the FBI opens an investigation, but Peter is not about to sit still and wait for the enemy to come to him. He need to act to secure his pack's safety. He watched one pack burn, and he will do anything... anything... to prevent that from happening again. The Hale pack is circling the wagons and preparing for a counterattack from the French Argents. Stiles just has to make sure that Derek has stepped up as the alpha before that happens. Stiles and Peter are back in California and both want to unify the pack and prepare for the counterattack they suspect is coming. Marie Argent might have lost her American soldiers--and many of her French ones as well--but they know she's coming. |
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Harry Potter and the Price of Victory Severus wants to escape everything—Dumbledore’s suspicions and ridiculous crusade to destroy all the family magic from the Dark as well as the expectations Lucius and the Dark families place on him. He even wants to escape the guilt of having discovered that six-year-old Potter is trapped living with an abusive Tuney and her repulsive husband. However, when he decides to undertake a dangerous ritual to contact the Fae, he finds that they have their own agenda. They want to change everything.
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Young probie Jethro Gibbs is called out to a scene where he finds two young boys. The Winchesters would probably be better off with anyone other than a tired old widower who is still mourning his own daughter. However, in the end, the Winchesters and Gibbs understand loss and each other in a way no one else could. Rated: TEEN for violence
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Dean made the mistake of asking Crowley for help. Crowley has something darker in mind--a way to torture Dean and turn him into a good little bitch. It might work, but then again, the ancient demon Crowley chose to knot Dean has a few plans of his own. Rated: ADULT for just really creepy shit
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Ugly thoughts first bring River to Jayne's door and then drive Jayne to leave Serenity rather than face his own fears and needs. But when Mal and River come riding to the rescue after Jayne goes and does something stupid (again), he's faced with a River who is not willing to let him go out there and get hurt. Time for her to take charge and show Jayne that she can be exactly what he needs. Rated: ADULT for Dom/sub, femdom, slavery, het sex |
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The war raged across moons and planets. Browncoats versus Purple-bellies. Malcolm Reynolds fought for the Browncoat rebels... men and women who felt that the Alliance and civilized core planets were taking too much control of the rest of the system. They wanted their freedom. They lost. James Joseph Womak was a commander for the Alliance, proud to wear the purple uniform and determined to bring justice to the common farmers who lived rough lives on an outer rim dominated by smugglers and slavers and criminals. His side won, but he still lost. A shadowy group called the Institute took a little too much interest in a rare genetic gift of enhanced senses, and now he's on the run. Two bitter old war horses really aren't good at forgiving or forgetting or letting evil grow like mold in those dark corners of the universe where other men are afraid to look. Rated: ADULT for Dom/sub |
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The crew notices that things have started to change after the events of Ariel, but it takes a couple of women to make Mal realize that if he's going to take charge of Jayne, he has to truly take control of this big damn dog or things on Serenity might just get ugly. Rated: ADULT for Dom/sub |
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Sunstroke, Insanity, and Faith (Mag 7 AU--The Tucson Seven) Vin Tanner is a cop who is sent into one of the more dangerous neighborhoods in Tucson to investigate gangs and human smugglers who are turning the place into a no-man's land. Instead, this disillusioned cop finds a team of men who he can trust with his life. Flesh and Blood and Heart (Mag 7 T7AU x The Sentinel) Jim Ellison gets a call that about a first degree relative that he never knew he had. He thought his days int he army might have led to a son. It turns out, his long-lost mother isn't lost anymore, and Jim has a brother. The problem is that after seeing his brother's arrest record, Jim really isn't so sure he wants anything to do with Ezra Standish. Too bad he didn't decide that before stirring up the Tucson Seven.
This universe is open for anyone to write in!! Background on original characters, Background on AU characters |
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Stageplay (NCIS) Tony is starting to struggle at NCIS. He doesn't know where his place is, so when Abby drags him out to a club Tony doesn't say no when Ziva makes an offer. However, things are about to go very, very bad, and there's only one man ready to pick up the pieces. Rated: ADULT. Het, Slash, Dom/sub, bondage |
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Shadows Universe: Shadows of the Past (Sentinel and La Femme Nikita) -- Shadows and Siege (Sentinel and Stargate SG-1) -- Take a Number (Original Character Sentinels) Nine years ago, one of Jim's missions went bad when his team ran into a unit run by an agent named Michael. The unit barely survived. Now, Jim comes home to find that Michael and the organization he represents is interested in both him and Blair. And once Section is interested, Section never totally walks away. Rated TEEN for Shadows of the Past, ADULT for Shadows and Siege |
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Moon Magic (Harry Potter and Buffy) Moon magic pulls Riley into a whole new world, and now it's Faith to the rescue. But when Faith is forced to work with Severus Snape, they discover they have more in common that anyone might expect. Rated: TEEN |
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Dr. Sandburg has a good life working on alien contact at Stargate Command; however, now he has news that his holy grail might just be out there in the strangest place possible--earth. Even worse, James Ellison and his amazing senses have become the center of a vicious race that has pitted Blair and the Stargate command against a rogue CIA operative, the NID, and the Chinese government. And Blair is not sure how to convince Ellison that he's with the good guys. Blair only wants to follow Jim back to Cascade, but between the terrorists, the cranky police captain and the mystical intervention of a certain Peruvian, he's having trouble just surviving this little trip. |
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Xander took Spike's advice and signed up for the military. However, when he tries delivering peaches to an obscure mountain base, he finds that the Harris luck has followed him to Stargate Command. His unique skill set may earn him a place in a new world, or his inability to accept himself may destroy any chance of finding happiness. Part One :: Part Two :: Part Three :: Part Four :: Part Five Rated ADULT for Slash |
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When one of Daniel Jackson's friends goes snooping into the wrong computer, the SG-1 team comes to Cascade to find her before the NID can. But the local detective assigned to assist them--and his very strange anthropologist partner--complicate things. Teal'c isn't sure what the relationship is between Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg, but he knows it isn't healthy, and he knows that he would like to help. He also knows that there is something very unusual about the young Blair Sandburg, something which reminds Teal'c of old Jaffa stories of men with mystical powers. Rated TEEN |
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A college-aged Dexter has just discovered that relationships are dangerous for him, so he goes looking for a different kind of relationship and a different kind of danger. He finds an entire world in the shadows where he fits in better than anyone might expect. This is hard-core BDSM folks, so not for the light hearted. This was written for Kink Bingo on LJ, so this is far darker and kinkier than my usual! Rated: ADULT ADULT ADULT |
Slashy Short Stories |
Gen/Het Short Stories |
Not a Bad Day (Chuck) ~ ~ ~ Brian and the Frat Boys (The Fast and the Furious) ~ ~ ~ Predatory Connections (BtVS/Dexter) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Short Time (Fast and the Furious, BtVS: Dom/Xander, Dom/Brian) ~ ~ ~ Geek Wars (BtVS/Stargate/Sentinel) ~ ~ ~ Overdue (NCIS) ~ ~ ~ Washed Clean - (Firefly) ADULT - Femslash Some Things Never Change - (Firefly) TEEN - Spike and Xander in the Firefly universe Some People Never Change - (Firefly) SAFE - Spike and Xander in the Firefly universe II
Family Snapshots (NCIS and SPN)
One Inch from Shattering (SPN)
True Power (Xena and Buffy) ~ ~ ~ Manipulation in Five Acts (NCIS, Ziva/Tony) ~ ~ ~ Family Ties (NCIS) ~ ~ ~ Ritual (Buffy/Predator Movies) ~ ~ ~ Flat Earth, Steamrollers and Other Theories (NCIS/Buffy) ~ ~ ~ Mens Rea (Firefly) : Jayne hates being sent on missions with Crazy The Interview (Firefly) : River decides that it's time for sexing, but who will she pick? Reaping What You Sow (Firefly) : Jayne knows that actions have consequences Navigating Landmines (Firefly) : A set of short encounters that show how one very suspicious second in command fell for a seriously goofy pilot. The Tribulations of a Closeted Submissive by Jayne Cobb (Firefly) |
Read my newest at Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/lyngala) See me ignore social media at Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lyn.gala/) Poke through my old abandoned LiveJournal account at (http://lit-gal.livejournal.com/) Buy my Lyn Gala novels at Amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/Lyn-Gala/e/B00IWPAKE6) Get updates about my professional novels HERE |
Recommendations: Buffy/Angel Sentinel SG-1 Kinky Shakatany's Recs Sparrow2000's Recs Cindershadow's Recs |
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